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Yes, I'm straight up about web design prices

Published web design prices in multiple currencies


Indicated prices do not include 15% GST which is a requirement for NZ-based business

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Service / product INFO HKD USD EUR GBP NZD AUD
Pricelist effective December 2013            
Standard websites
Homepage Touch / click for more information $5250 $650 €500 £470 $800 $750
Additional pages Touch / click for more information $525 $65 €50 £47 $80 $75
Optional extras
Gallery (add your own images) Touch / click for more information $1090 $140 €100 £90 $190 $165
Gallery images (added by Piccante) per image Touch / click for more information $28 $4 €3 £2 $5 $4
Contact form (simple) Touch / click for more information $420 $60 €40 £37 $72 $64
Availability calendar (single) Touch / click for more information $1260 $159 €107 £92 $220 $190
Language translation tool Touch / click for more information $680 $85 €60 £50 $120 $105
Online chat tool Touch / click for more information $680 $85 €60 £50 $120 $105
Search function Touch / click for more information $420 $60 €40 £37 $72 $64
PayPal integration to a standard site (single 'buy now') Touch / click for more information $840 $109 €69 £60 $140 $125
PayPal integration to a standard site (shopping cart) Touch / click for more information $1260 $159 €107 £92 $220 $190
Each additional product for PayPal shopping cart Touch / click for more information $50-$150 $6-$19 €4-€15 £4-£13 $8-$25 $7-$22
Purpose-built ecommerce sites Touch / click for more information $29999 $3900 €2900 £2400 $4900 $4600
Content Management
Content Editing System (CES) Touch / click for more information $870 $110 €80 £70 $150 $130
Content Editing System (per additional page) Touch / click for more information $165 $23 €17 £15 $40 $36
Purpose-built Content Management System (CMS) Touch / click for more information $29999 $3900 €2900 £2400 $4900 $4600
General service, updating and ongoing SEO fees
Hourly rate Touch / click for more information $400 $50 €40 £34 $70 $60
SEO and marketing packages
Search Engine Optimisation package Touch / click for more information $6700 $870 €600 £550 $1150 $999
Search Engine Marketing (per campaign) Touch / click for more information $670 $87 €60 £55 $115 $100
Google Analytics Package Touch / click for more information $680 $90 €70 £6- $120 $104
Email Marketing Campaign Touch / click for more information $6300 $800 €520 £470 $1080 $935
Web hosting
Plan 1 (per month) - 100MB Touch / click for more information $50 $7 €5 £4 $9 $8
Plan 2 (per month) - 200MB Touch / click for more information $100 $14 €10 £8 $18 $16
Plan 3 (per month) - 1GB Touch / click for more information $300 $45 €25 £20 $50 $40
Add 10GB for extra email storage (per 10GB per month) Touch / click for more information $500 $70 €50 £40 $90 $80

Please note that payments made by credit card will attract a 5% surcharge to cover associated costs

Domain names under the administration of Piccante Web Design may be transferred to a third party or to the client for a fee of HKD$750. This covers the time taken to complete the changeover procedure and billing.